Cyclete first ride review! 15 mile road ride today after about a 15 minute unpacking and assembly. This machine is a home run! Specifically, averaged 14.1 miles per hour for 15 miles after a very slow start getting used to the Cyclete and the new motion. The second half of the ride was the most fun I have had on a bike or a stand up! It is a much more balanced workout than the ElliptiGO Arc. It is way more like running with a much more balanced use of all of the muscles in your legs versus the “quad heavy” Arc. As a result, I was able to stay “in the zone much longer” and get a better cardio workout. At the end of the ride I felt like I just had a great workout, BUT absolutely no knee discomfort or soreness anywhere in my legs. The last 3-4 miles I was really cooking averaging well over 15 mph. Really felt the “runners high” in this part of the ride it was great! The gearing was perfect for me. Mine is set up with a bigger front ring so I have a higher “high gear range”. In my part of Michigan we have short rolling hills and lots of flats. I spent a lot of time in 10th and 11th on the flats. I did use 12 quite a bit too. This set up is about perfect for me. I don’t think I would ever want a higher gear and I had plenty of low gears left for bigger hills than I rode today. One of the great things about the ride today is that I felt like I could vary my cadence and resistance much more effectively than I can on the Arc. On the Arc there is almost always only 1 right gear I can be in. Any lower and I feel like I am falling and have no resistance any higher and you can’t really push it. With the Cyclete I could be in 10th and push a faster cadence or 11th or 12th and push more resistance. It will be interesting to keep working on this to see how this continues to develop. I think this is what helped me get and stay “in the zone” faster and longer. I was able to better balance my cardio with my leg muscle fatigue and never get them out of sync. That is probably enough for now. bottom line is the Cyclete is a GREAT road machine. I told Steven Ascher that I was glad I saved the box, because I had to send it back because my first ride was TOO MUCH FUN!!!!